chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems: DS system

direct sequence

  • information waveform
     comes from a digital source and is a polar waveform having values of
    . furthermore we use BPSK modulation as a complex envelope.

DS system is usually used with BPSK information signal.[각주:1]

data(bit) rate is

, where
 is bit interval.

  • spreading signal,
     which is generated by pseudonoise(PN) code generator has values of
    , and use the
     as a complex envelope.

chip rate is

, where
 is chip interval which corresponding to pulse width

  • spread spectrum system assumes 

BPSK/DS transmitter

  • section의 목적상 (spread spectrum system의 이해), information signal,
     이 BPSK로 modulation 되는 과정에 대한 설명은 생략하도록 한다. digital signal인
    는 modulation 과정을 거쳐서, bandpass signal의 형태인
    로 주어진다고 가정한다.
  • pseudorandom sequence or code generator 에 대한 내용은 중요성을 고려하여 별도의 글을 작성하였다.
    • 참고 posting

pseudorandom sequence generator
pseudorandom noise (PRN), PN code, maximum-length sequence

    • PRN generator-maximum-length sequence characteristic

has period of

has specific shape of auto-correlation function and PSD

  • PSD for an m-sequence PN waveform

(FYI) BPSK/DS signal의 spectrum 에 대한 유도는 pseudorandom noise (PRN), PN code, maximum-length sequence 을 참고한다.

  • signal spectrum analysis: bandwidth change in system

we see that the PSDs of both

 are of the sinc function type, where the bandwidth of
 is much larger than that of
 because it is assumed that
. (FYI. Fourier analysis of frequently used function, rectangular pulse and its spectrum)

    • pulse width가 증가하면, spectrum shape은 sharpe, and vice versa.

to simplify the mathematics, approximate these PSDs by rectangular spectra where the heights of the PSD are selected so that the areas under the curves are unity because the powers of

 are unity.

 is obtained by multiplying
 in the time domain,
, thus the PSD for the complex envelope of the BPSK/DS signal is obtained by a convolution operation in the frequency domain. 

    • bandpass BPSK signal은 spreading signal과 multiplication함으로서 DS signal이 완성된다. 굳이 complex envelope의 개념을 이용하여 연산의 순서을 생각하면서 문제를 복잡하게 생각할 필요가 없이, bandpass BPSK signal과 spreading signal이 곱하여 DS signal이 완성된다고 이해한다. 

  • 위 block diagram에 나타난 system processing 과정 중 '완성된 bandpass BPSK signal'에 단순히 'spreading signal'을 multiplication함으로 DS spread signal이 완성된다는 점을 remind.

BPSK/DS receiver

  • system이 동작되는 환경에 따라 발생할 수 있는 많은 경우의 jamming case[각주:2] 중에서, narrowband sine wave jamming signal (tones) case 에 따른 processing에 대해서 알아본다.


(FYI) tone jamming 에 대한 비슷한 수학적 분석, 11. spread spectrum communications: applications of spread spectrum - military: AJ system


    • input to the receiver consists of the SS signal plus a noise (jammer) signal.

assume that noise (jamming) signal is a narrowband (sine wave) jammer signal which is set to
 for the worst-case jamming effect,
    • output of the despreader is


    • with the multiplication of
      , the input to the LPF is

and the terms

 have been neglected because they do not pass through the LPF.

    • final detected signal form will be

  • computing processing gain which defined as the ratio of 'the noise power out without SS' divided by 'the noise power out with SS'. this is equivalent to the ratio
     is the SNR power into the receiver and
     is the SNR power out of the LPF.

jamming power at the receiver output without SS (conventional BPSK system)

jamming power at the receiver output with SS


  1. TEXT: the mobile communications handbook / editor, Jerry D. Gibson,, sec 11.4.1. [본문으로]
  2. various jammer types과 관련하여서는 theory of spread-spectrum communications - a tutorial [IEEE transactions on communications May 1982], 의 section 4. anti-jam considerations을 참고. various types; single frequency sine wave(tones), broad-band noise, swept-frequency jammers, pulse-burst jammers, and repeat jammers. [본문으로]