- chap 2. signals and spectra: energy signal, power signal and spectrum
- *** 밑에 분류 무시
- 2008. 7. 18. 10:39
energy spectrum density (ESD)
- the ESD is defined for energy waveforms by
(FT pairs).
has units of joules per hertz.
power spectrum (power spectrum density, PSD)
(FYI) chap 2. signals and spectra: useful wave characteristic, wave의 power에 대해 정리한 내용 참고.
- the PSD for a deterministic power waveform is
(FT paris).
has units of watts per hertz.
- Wiener-Khintchine theorm. PSD and autocorrelation function of certain physical waveform are Fourier transform pairs relation; that is
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