'일상의 기록'에 해당되는 글 605건
- 2008.03.02 chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: digital modulated sytem: binary modulated signal (ASK)
- 2008.03.02 chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: digital modulated sytem: binary modulated signal (BPSK)
- 2008.03.02 chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: digital modulated sytem: binary modulated signal (FSK)
- 2008.02.28 chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: digital modulated sytem: multilevel signal (QPSK)
- 2008.02.27 Feb. 26. 2008 1
- 2008.02.27 chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems
- 2008.02.26 chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems: DS system
- 2008.02.26 chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems: FH system
- 2008.02.25 chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems: SS frequency bands
- 2008.02.25 Main library 열람실: 학교시설물
- 2008.02.25 pseudorandom sequence generator
- 2008.02.25 YAG 성당 점심준비 1
- 2008.02.25 pseudorandom noise (PRN), PN code, maximum-length sequence
- 2008.02.25 Good-bye 참여정부
- 2008.02.23 Feb. 22. 2008
- 2008.02.23 LIFE, Our century in pictures
- 2008.02.21 binary communication model
- 2008.02.21 STL - San antonio
- 2008.02.21 궁시렁: 의지충전 and soar! 1
- 2008.02.18 [Why] '여자 1등'대거 출현한 지 어느덧 10년
- 2008.02.16 2008년 구정 event in parish: flying kite 2
- 2008.02.16 강의노트, 강의정리 - communication system: chap 6. random processes and spectral analysis
- 2008.02.16 SEPARATE but EQUAL, proceedings Jan 08, USNI
- 2008.02.15 chap 6. random processes and spectral analysis:
- 2008.02.14 Feb. 13. 2008 1
- 2008. 3. 2. 03:00
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- chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: digital modulated sytem: binary modulated signal (BPSK)
- *** 밑에 분류 무시
- 2008. 3. 2. 02:45
text section 5.9 의 내용
BPSK detection
'*** 밑에 분류 무시' 카테고리의 다른 글
- 2008. 3. 2. 02:30
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- 2008. 2. 28. 07:02
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- 2008. 2. 27. 18:31
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- chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems
- *** 밑에 분류 무시
- 2008. 2. 27. 04:27
there are many types of SS systems. to be considered an SS system, a system must satisfy two criteria:
- the bandwidth of the transmitted signal
- the relatively wide bandwidth of
(FYI) 본 text에서 소개된 criteria와 비슷한 내용이 spread spectrum definition에 사용되었다. http://worthatry.tistory.com/499
the SS signal is
where the complex envelope is a function of both
we will deal about most common types of SS signals: direct sequence (DS) and frequency hopping (FH), and hybrid techniques that include both DS and FH.
- direct sequence (DS). here, a DSB-SC type of spreading modulation is used [i.e.,
(FYI) 2. spread spectrum techniques: direct sequence systems
- frequency hopping (FH). here
- hybrid techniques that include both DS and FH.
(FYI) 본 text, digital and analog communication systems, 의 목적상 spread spectrum에 대한 내용은 전체적인 흐름만을 파악할 수 있을 정도의 내용만 다룬다. spread spectrum 이라는 특화된 주제에 대해서는 text, spread spectrum systems with commercial applications' 을 기본교재로 정하며 이후에 연구되는 내용들은 이 text을 바탕으로 집약되어 정리될 수 있도록 한다.
'*** 밑에 분류 무시' 카테고리의 다른 글
- chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems: DS system
- *** 밑에 분류 무시
- 2008. 2. 26. 05:30
direct sequence
- information waveform
DS system is usually used with BPSK information signal. 1
data(bit) rate is
- spreading signal,
chip rate is
- spread spectrum system assumes
BPSK/DS transmitter
- section의 목적상 (spread spectrum system의 이해), information signal,
- pseudorandom sequence or code generator 에 대한 내용은 중요성을 고려하여 별도의 글을 작성하였다.
- 참고 posting
pseudorandom sequence generator
pseudorandom noise (PRN), PN code, maximum-length sequence
- PRN generator-maximum-length sequence characteristic
has period of
has specific shape of auto-correlation function and PSD
- PSD for an m-sequence PN waveform
(FYI) BPSK/DS signal의 spectrum 에 대한 유도는 pseudorandom noise (PRN), PN code, maximum-length sequence 을 참고한다.
- signal spectrum analysis: bandwidth change in system
we see that the PSDs of both
- pulse width가 증가하면, spectrum shape은 sharpe, and vice versa.
to simplify the mathematics, approximate these PSDs by rectangular spectra where the heights of the PSD are selected so that the areas under the curves are unity because the powers of
- bandpass BPSK signal은 spreading signal과 multiplication함으로서 DS signal이 완성된다. 굳이 complex envelope의 개념을 이용하여 연산의 순서을 생각하면서 문제를 복잡하게 생각할 필요가 없이, bandpass BPSK signal과 spreading signal이 곱하여 DS signal이 완성된다고 이해한다.
- 위 block diagram에 나타난 system processing 과정 중 '완성된 bandpass BPSK signal'에 단순히 'spreading signal'을 multiplication함으로 DS spread signal이 완성된다는 점을 remind.
BPSK/DS receiver
- system이 동작되는 환경에 따라 발생할 수 있는 많은 경우의 jamming case 중에서, narrowband sine wave jamming signal (tones) case 에 따른 processing에 대해서 알아본다. 2
(FYI) tone jamming 에 대한 비슷한 수학적 분석, 11. spread spectrum communications: applications of spread spectrum - military: AJ system
- input to the receiver consists of the SS signal plus a noise (jammer) signal.
- output of the despreader is
- with the multiplication of
and the terms
- final detected signal form will be
- computing processing gain which defined as the ratio of 'the noise power out without SS' divided by 'the noise power out with SS'. this is equivalent to the ratio
jamming power at the receiver output without SS (conventional BPSK system)
jamming power at the receiver output with SS
- TEXT: the mobile communications handbook / editor, Jerry D. Gibson, http://worthatry.tistory.com/423, sec 11.4.1. [본문으로]
- various jammer types과 관련하여서는 theory of spread-spectrum communications - a tutorial [IEEE transactions on communications May 1982], http://worthatry.tistory.com/383 의 section 4. anti-jam considerations을 참고. various types; single frequency sine wave(tones), broad-band noise, swept-frequency jammers, pulse-burst jammers, and repeat jammers. [본문으로]
'*** 밑에 분류 무시' 카테고리의 다른 글
- 2008. 2. 26. 04:23
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.
- chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems: SS frequency bands
- *** 밑에 분류 무시
- 2008. 2. 25. 23:30
'*** 밑에 분류 무시' 카테고리의 다른 글
chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems: DS system (0) | 2008.02.26 |
chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems: FH system (0) | 2008.02.26 |
pseudorandom sequence generator (0) | 2008.02.25 |
pseudorandom noise (PRN), PN code, maximum-length sequence (0) | 2008.02.25 |
binary communication model (0) | 2008.02.21 |
- 2008. 2. 25. 14:11
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- pseudorandom sequence generator
- *** 밑에 분류 무시
- 2008. 2. 25. 12:44
purely random sequence can be used to spread the signal spectrum. however, in order to despread the signal, the receiver needs a replica of the transmitted sequence (in most perfect time synchronism). in practice, therefore, we generate pseudorandom or pseudonoise (PN) sequence. 1
linear feedback shift register (LFSR)
- one canonical form of a 'binary LFSR' is a 'simple shift register generator (SSRG)'
- for spread spectrum, we are looking for a maximal length cycles (maximum length sequence, MLLFSR) 2
- modular shift register generator (MSRF), which is commonly used implementation of a LFSR
'*** 밑에 분류 무시' 카테고리의 다른 글
- 2008. 2. 25. 08:34
내용을 보시려면 비밀번호를 입력하세요.
- pseudorandom noise (PRN), PN code, maximum-length sequence
- *** 밑에 분류 무시
- 2008. 2. 25. 08:06
pseudonoise, pseudorandom noise (PRN)
- PRN is a signal which is similar to noise
although it seems to lack any definite pattern, PRN consists of a deterministic sequence of pulses that will repeat itself after its period.
pseudonoise code (PN code)
- PN code is one that has a spectrum similar to a random sequence of bits but is deterministically generated.
- the most commonly used sequences in direct-sequence spread spectrum systems are maximal length sequences, gold codes, kasami codes, and barker codes.
- one of the simplest and most effective devices for generating deterministic sequences of pseudorandom Ones and Zeros is the shift register.
shift register of degree n is a device consisting of n consecutive binary storage positions, which shifts the contents of each position to the next position down the line at the rate set by a timing device, or clock.
- a shift register can be converted into a pseudorandom sequence generator (more specific, maximum length sequence) by including a feedback loop, which computes a new term for the first stage based on the previous n terms.
- given any linear shift register of degree n, the ouput sequence is always ultimately periodic, with a period
- correlation function and its power spectra of maximum length sequence
(FYI) for general signal,
for binary sequence auto-correlation,
based on above formula, general auto-correlation function for maximum length sequence looks like,
- power spectrum of correlation function
'*** 밑에 분류 무시' 카테고리의 다른 글
chap 5. AM, FM, and digital modulated systems: spread spectrum systems: SS frequency bands (0) | 2008.02.25 |
pseudorandom sequence generator (0) | 2008.02.25 |
binary communication model (0) | 2008.02.21 |
강의노트, 강의정리 - communication system: chap 6. random processes and spectral analysis (0) | 2008.02.16 |
chap 6. random processes and spectral analysis: (0) | 2008.02.15 |
- 2008. 2. 25. 06:43
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- 2008. 2. 23. 20:43
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- LIFE, Our century in pictures
- Review
- 2008. 2. 23. 07:47
LIFE is a publication created by TIME founder Henry Luce in 1936, with a strong emphasis on photojournalism. life appeared as a weekly until 1972, as an intermittent 'special' until 1978; a monthly from 1978 to 2000; and a weekly newspaper supplement from 2004 to 2007.
picture caption
1900-1913: Across the threshold
'Review' 카테고리의 다른 글
지금 알고 있는 걸 그때도 알았더라면 - 잠언시집 (0) | 2008.04.05 |
Good-bye 참여정부 (0) | 2008.02.25 |
궁시렁: 의지충전 and soar! (1) | 2008.02.21 |
[Why] '여자 1등'대거 출현한 지 어느덧 10년 (0) | 2008.02.18 |
SEPARATE but EQUAL, proceedings Jan 08, USNI (0) | 2008.02.16 |
- 2008. 2. 21. 17:31
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- STL - San antonio
- My Story
- 2008. 2. 21. 15:57
962 NM (14H 30M)
'My Story' 카테고리의 다른 글
Main library 열람실: 학교시설물 (0) | 2008.02.25 |
YAG 성당 점심준비 (1) | 2008.02.25 |
2008년 구정 event in parish: flying kite (2) | 2008.02.16 |
생일 축하합니다 (0) | 2008.02.14 |
기숙사: 학교시설물 (0) | 2008.02.14 |
- 2008. 2. 21. 06:58
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- 2008. 2. 18. 15:46
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- 2008. 2. 16. 07:48
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- 2008. 2. 16. 06:06
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- 2008. 2. 16. 01:15
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- chap 6. random processes and spectral analysis:
- *** 밑에 분류 무시
- 2008. 2. 15. 11:42
random process
a real random process (or stochastic process) is an indexed set of real functions of some parameter (usually time) that has certain statistical properties.
erogodicity of random process
a rondom process is said to be erogodic if all time averages of any sample function are equal to the corresponding ensemble averages (expectations).
'*** 밑에 분류 무시' 카테고리의 다른 글
binary communication model (0) | 2008.02.21 |
강의노트, 강의정리 - communication system: chap 6. random processes and spectral analysis (0) | 2008.02.16 |
강의정리, 참고자료: detection and estimation theory: foundamental concepts (0) | 2008.02.14 |
대승 천주교 vs. 소승 천주교 (0) | 2008.02.03 |
강의정리: detection and estimation theory (2008SP ESE 524) Lec. 5 (0) | 2008.02.03 |
- 2008. 2. 14. 17:17
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